Welcome to the Special Offers section! Here you will find the best meat promotions that will satisfy even the most demanding palates. Our price deals are the perfect time to stock up on your favorite products at even more attractive prices. Every day, we strive to surprise our customers with new limited-time offers, allowing you to discover unique meat flavors without straining your household budget. Check out what we have prepared for you today and don’t miss any promotions – our offers are available only for a limited time!

Tuszka z Kaczki - Pyszne i Wykwintne Danie Prosto na Twój Stół!

Kaczka tuszka z podrobami

zł29.00 / kg
Availability: 5781 In Stock

Tuszka z kaczki to świetny składnik do przyrządzenia smacznych dań, takich jak kaczka po pekińsku, kaczka po polsku czy kaczka po staropolsku. Dzięki naszemu mięsu, Twoje dania będą smakować wyśmienicie.

Producent- firma AMI


Jedna tuszka waży ok 2,50 kg

Perliczka - Delikatne i Smakowite Mięso w Naszym Sklepie Mięsnym Online

Perliczka tuszka patroszona z szyją

zł47.25 / kg
Availability: 847 In Stock

Perliczka, zwana również przepiórką francuską, to drobny ptak o soczystym, lekko orzechowym smaku. To mięso niskotłuszczowe, bogate w białko i witaminy, idealne dla osób dbających o zdrową i zrównoważoną dietę.

Producent- firma CEDROB


Jedna tuszka waży ok 1,50 kg

Parmigiano Reggiano – oryginalny włoski parmezan | super-stek.pl

Ser Parmezan Parmigiano Reggiano DOP

zł33.00 / 200g
Availability: 938 In Stock

Parmigiano Reggiano, znany także jako Parmezan, to legendarny włoski ser o twardej i ziarnistej strukturze, dojrzewający przez co najmniej 16 miesięcy. Jego wyrazisty, lekko orzechowy smak sprawia, że jest nieodłącznym elementem wielu dań, takich jak makarony, risotta, sałatki czy zupy. Parmigiano Reggiano to produkt o najwyższej jakości, wytwarzany według tradycyjnych metod z mleka krowiego, pochodzący z wyselekcjonowanych regionów Włoch. Idealny do tarcia, świetnie wzbogaci każde danie, nadając mu wyjątkowego aromatu i głębi.
Jak mawiają Włosi: „Z Parmezanem każda potrawa smakuje lepiej – to król serów!”


Noga z kaczki - soczyste mięso z polskiej kaczki | super-stek.pl

Noga z kaczki - udko

zł68.00 / kg
Availability: 5218 In Stock

Noga z kaczki to doskonały wybór dla miłośników wyrazistych smaków i soczystego mięsa. Udko z kaczki charakteryzuje się pełnym, głębokim smakiem, który idealnie komponuje się z owocami, miodem oraz aromatycznymi przyprawami. Mięso z kaczki jest bogate w zdrowe tłuszcze, a jego delikatność sprawia, że jest to naturalne mięso klasy premium, które świetnie nadaje się do pieczenia oraz duszenia. Kaczka pieczona z chrupiącą skórką to prawdziwa uczta, której nie sposób się oprzeć. Polska kaczka jest ceniona za swoją jakość i smak, co czyni ją doskonałym wyborem na wyjątkowe okazje. Jak powiedział kiedyś Auguste Escoffier: "Dobrze przyrządzona kaczka to arcydzieło sztuki kulinarnej."


Jedna noga waży ok 0,50 kg

Włoska łagodna wędlina dojrzewająca z wyselekcjonowanego mięsa wieprzowego z rejonu Kampania.

Łagodne salami wieprzowe Napoli - Salame Napoli...

zł75.00 / kg
Availability: 890 In Stock

Włoska wędlina dojrzewająca z wyselekcjonowanego mięsa wieprzowego, tradycyjnie produkowana na południu Włoch, w regionie Kampania. Zazwyczaj formowana w kształt cylindra i obwiązywana sznurkiem. Salami o średnio-dużym stopniu zmielenia, łagodnym smaku i delikatnym aromacie, dojrzewa 60-80 dni.

Włoskie drobno mielone salami dojrzewające z truflą

Włoskie drobno mielone salami dojrzewające z...

zł50.00 / kg
Availability: 995 In Stock

Włoskie salami dojrzewające z truflą z najwyższej jakości włoskiego mięsa wieprzowego. Do drobno zmielonego, starannie wyselekcjonowanego mięsa wieprzowego dodawana jest trufla, po czym wędlina poddawana jest procesowi dojrzewania. Wykwintny produkt dla koneserów włoskich wędlin dojrzewających z posmakiem luksusu. Klasyk wśród włoskich produktów.

Pochodzenie produktu:

Pasztet z Kaczki na Czerwonym Winie - Bogaty Smak, Naturalna Receptura

Pasztet z kaczki na czerwonym winie 160g słoik

zł17.90 / szt
Availability: 1000793 In Stock

Kawałki Kaczki ugotowane w przyprawach z dodatkiem czerwonego wina. Następnie wraz z otrzymanym wywarem staranie zmielone. Przyprawione solą kamienną, spasteryzowane
TYLKO mięso, przyprawy i sól kamienna

Składniki: mięso z kaczki 70%, wątroba z kaczki 17%, wywar (rosół) z kaczki 10%, pozostałe 3 %: czerwone wino, zioła i przyprawy, sól kamienna

Opakowanie waży 160g


Wyjątkowy Pasztet z Królika - Tradycyjny Smak, Najwyższa Jakość

Prawdziwy Pasztet z królika 160g słoik

zł19.50 / szt
Availability: 5743 In Stock

Starannie wyselekcjonowane mięso i wątróbka królika tworzą bogaty smak. Idealny na rodzinny obiad czy świąteczny stół
TYLKO mięso, przyprawy i sól kamienna

Składniki: mięso z królika 82%, Wątróbka z królika 8%, rosół z królika 5%, marchew, pietruszka, jabłko, miód, pieprz czarny, cebula suszona, sól kamienna, gałka muszkatołowa, czosnek, oregano

Opakowanie waży 160g


Wyjątkowy Naturalny Pasztet z Indyka - Autentyczny Smak, Najwyższa Jakość

Prawdziwy Pasztet z Indyka 160g słoik

zł17.00 / szt
Availability: 1000739 In Stock

Kawałki Indyka ugotowane w przyprawach. Następnie wraz z otrzymanym wywarem staranie zmielone. Przyprawione solą kamienną, spasteryzowane
TYLKO mięso, przyprawy i sól kamienna

Składniki: mięso z indyka 70%, wątroba z indyka 17%,wywar (rosół) z indyka 10%, pozostałe 3%: zioła i przyprawy, susz warzywny w tym seler*, susz cebulowy, sól kamienna

Opakowanie waży 160g


Pasztet Cielęcy - Delikatny Smak, Tradycyjna Receptura

Naturalny Pasztet Cielęcy 160g słoik

zł21.90 / szt
Availability: 883 In Stock
Kawałki cielęciny z dodatkiem wątróbki z indyka po ugotowaniu w rosole z bogatym dodatkiem naturalnych przypraw roztarte na smarowny pasztet
Składniki: mięso cielęce 70%, mięso wieprzowe 10%,rosół cielęcy 10% wątroba cielęca lub indycza 4%, marchew, pietruszka, cebula suszona, rozmaryn, pieprz czarny, lubczyk, tymianek, gałka muszkatołowa sól kamienna

Opakowanie waży 160g


Prawdziwy Pasztet 100% z Gęsi - Autentyczny Smak, Najwyższa Jakość

Prawdziwy pasztet 100% z Gęsi 160g słoik

zł21.90 / szt
Availability: 5716 In Stock
Delikatne mięso z gęsi z podkreślającym smak dodatkiem wątróbki, naturalnymi przyprawami i ziołami. Po ugotowaniu w gęsim rosole zmielone na łatwo rozsmarowującą się pastę
Składniki: mięso z gęsi 70%,wątroba z gęsi 17%, wywar(rosół) z gęsi 10%, pozostałe 3%: zioła i przyprawy, susz warzywny, sól kamienna

Opakowanie waży 160g


Wątrobianka ze Świniobicia - Tradycyjny Smak, Rzemieślnicza Jakość

Wątrobianka ze świniobicia 160 g słoik

zł11.00 / szt
Availability: 5698 In Stock
Wyjątkowy specjał – przygotowany na podstawie wiekowej receptury. Sekret jego smaku to mięso wieprzowe, wątroba i wiele aromatycznych przypraw
Składniki: podgardle wieprzowe 60%, wątroba wieprzowa 25%, mięso wieprzowe 10%, pozostałe 5%: zioła i przyprawy naturalne, susz warzywny w tym seler, susz cebulowy, sól. Konserwowane solą kamienną.

Opakowanie waży 160g


100% Indyk: Pasztet Pieczony z Indyka - Pyszność Tradycji, Najwyższa Jakość

Pasztet pieczony z indyka 100% Indyk 160g

zł17.00 / szt
Availability: 1000806 In Stock
Wszystkie nasze pasztety to efekt starannej, ręcznej produkcji. Znakomicie i wyraziście przyprawione z dodatkiem warzyw i owoców, za to bez dodatku bułki i kaszy. Dwukrotnie pieczone, rozkosz dla smakosza
Składniki:mięso z indyka 84%, wątroba z indyka 12%, JAJA, jabłko, marchew, cebula, pietruszka, pieprz, gałka muszkatołowa, lubczyk, sól kamienna

Masa netto: 160g


100% Gęś: Pasztet Pieczony - Luksusowy Smak, Tradycyjna Receptura

Pasztet pieczony 100% z Gęsi 160g

zł23.00 / szt
Availability: 815 In Stock
Nasze pasztety to efekt starannej, ręcznej produkcji. Znakomicie i wyraziście przyprawione z dodatkiem warzyw i owoców, za to bez dodatku bułki i kaszy. Dwukrotnie pieczone, rozkosz dla smakosza
Składniki:mięso z gęsi 86%, wątroba z gęsi 6%, marchew, pietruszka, gruszka suszona, JAJA, miód, cebula, pieprz biały, gałka muszkatołowa, lubczyk, sól kamienna

Masa netto: 160g


Kulinarne Odkrycie: Pasztet z Kaczki Pełen Aromatu

Pasztet pieczony 100% z Kaczki 160g

zł19.50 / szt
Availability: 1796 In Stock
Znakomicie i wyraziście przyprawiony z dodatkiem warzyw i owoców, za to bez dodatku bułki i kaszy. Dwukrotnie pieczony, rozkosz dla smakosza
Składniki:mięso z kaczki 86%, wątroba z kaczki 6%, marchew, pietruszka, jabłko, JAJA, miód, cebula, pieprz czarny, gałka muszkatołowa, wino czerwone, liść laurowy, lubczyk, sól kamienna

Masa netto: 160g


Pasztet z Jelenia: Naturalny i Wyrazisty Smak

Prawdziwy Pasztet z jelenia 160 g słoik

zł21.50 / szt
Availability: 1905 In Stock

Zanurz się w smaku prawdziwej dziczyzny z naszym pasztetm z jelenia. Bez dodatków sztucznych, pełen naturalnych składników. Idealny wybór dla smakoszy. Zamów teraz i ciesz się wyjątkowym smakiem natury w zaciszu własnego domu.

Opakowanie waży 160g


Smak Natury w Słoiku: Pasztet z Dzika - sklep mięsny Online

Prawdziwy Pasztet z dzika 160 g słoik

zł23.50 / szt
Availability: 1798 In Stock

Odkryj intensywny smak dziczyzny w naszym pasztecie z dzika. Każdy słoik 160g to gwarancja autentycznego doświadczenia myśliwskiego. Bez sztucznych dodatków i konserwantów. Idealne na śniadanie, przekąskę czy eleganckie przyjęcie.

Opakowanie waży 160g


Spróbuj Pasztetu z Sarny - Autentyczny Smak Natury

Prawdziwy Pasztet z sarny 160 g słoik

zł23.50 / szt
Availability: 1910 In Stock

Nasz pasztet z sarny to połączenie delikatności i wyrazistego smaku. Idealny na kanapki lub jako dodatek do eleganckiego przyjęcia. Odkryj smak natury zamknięty w słoiku. Nasz pasztet z sarny to nie tylko jedzenie, to prawdziwe doświadczenie kulinarne.

Opakowanie waży 160g


Stek Rib Eye z Urugwaju - Angus Grass Fed - Sklep super-stek.pl


zł200.00 / kg
Availability: 991 In Stock

Pochodzący z Urugwaju, od bydła rasy Angus, znany jest ze swojej miękkości i soczystości. Karmione trawą zwierzęta zapewniają wyśmienity smak, który kojarzony jest najczęściej z Argentyną, ale Urugwaj oferuje produkt o jeszcze wyższej jakości.

Sezonowany na sucho min 30 dni


UWAGA! Jeden stek waży ok 300g Dodając produkt do koszyka, wskazujesz ilość sztuk.


Angus New York Ribeye Steak - Black Angus quality | super-stek.pl


zł160.00 / kg
Availability: 987 In Stock

Angus New York strip steak is a refined choice that will meet the expectations of any meat lover. The selected meat from Black Angus cattle, raised on the spacious meadows of Uruguay, features a delicate texture and unique marbling. Thanks to a special grain diet and a healthy, stress-free lifestyle of the animals, THE BLACK brand beef is valued worldwide. Try preparing this steak on the grill or in a pan, and then serve it with garlic butter and grilled vegetables to enhance its exceptional flavor.

Dry-aged for a minimum of 30 days


NOTE! The set includes 2 steaks of 300g each By adding the product to the cart, you are purchasing 2 steaks.


"The Black" Ribeye Steak z Urugwaju - Niezrównany Smak i Soczystość


zł190.00 / kg
Availability: 989 In Stock

Odkryj wyrafinowany smak Urugwaju z naszym stekiem Striploin od producenta "The Black". Perfekcyjne marmurkowy dzięki 120 dniom karmienia ziarnem, co gwarantuje niezrównaną soczystość i delikatność.

Sezonowany na sucho min 30 dni


UWAGA! W zestawie są 2 steki po 300g Dodając produkt do koszyka, kupujesz 2 steki.


Mild Affumicato Wolf Sauris salami

Mild Affumicato Wolf Sauris salami

zł110.00 / kg
Availability: 1000 In Stock

Characteristic Italian pork cold cut, gently smoked and reminiscent of the most exquisite cured meats. The delicate and slightly sweet flavor is due to careful production that respects traditional drying and aging methods.

Grated Parmigiano Reggiano DOP cheese – authentic parmesan | super-stek.pl

Grated Parmesan Parmigiano Reggiano D.O.P.

zł14.90 / 100g
Availability: 969 In Stock

Grated Parmigiano Reggiano DOP cheese, also known as parmesan, is an essential ingredient in every kitchen that enriches dishes with a unique, pronounced taste and aroma. Produced exclusively in selected regions of Italy and protected by a designation of origin (DOP), Parmigiano Reggiano is a hard cheese with a slightly grainy texture and intense flavor. In grated form, it becomes an excellent addition to pasta, soups, salads, and baked dishes. Thanks to its convenient grated form, it can be used immediately to give dishes a distinctive character. As the Italians say: "Parmesan is not just cheese, it is the soul of Italian cuisine!”

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WEIGHT: 100g

Wyke Farms MILD Cheddar cheese – mild and creamy taste | super-stek.pl

Mild Cheddar cheese WYKE Farms

zł20.00 / 200g
Availability: 990 In Stock
**CHEDDAR MILD cheese from Wyke Farms** is a delicate, mild cheddar cheese that perfectly combines a creamy texture with a subtle, buttery flavor. Produced by the renowned British company **Wyke Farms**, this cheddar is made from the highest quality milk, ensuring its exceptional freshness and rich taste. Ideal for both everyday meals and elegant gatherings, **MILD Cheddar** is incredibly versatile. You can use it for toasts, salads, casseroles, or as a standalone snack. Its mild flavor is loved by children and adults alike, and its creamy texture ensures it melts perfectly in hot dishes.
Wyke Farms Vintage Reserve Cheddar cheese – intense flavor | super-stek.pl

Wyke Farms Vintage Reserve Cheddar cheese

zł22.00 / 200g
Availability: 991 In Stock

Wyke Farms Vintage Reserve Cheddar cheese is an exceptionally mature cheddar that ages for at least 18 months to achieve a deep, intense flavor and rich aroma. Produced by one of the most esteemed cheese makers in the UK – Wyke Farms, this cheddar is characterized by its crumbly texture, pronounced flavor with nutty notes, and a slightly spicy finish. Vintage Reserve Cheddar is a premium cheese that works wonderfully both as a snack and as an accompaniment to gourmet dishes. With its intense flavor profile, it is ideal for cheese boards, casseroles, sauces, and meat dishes, where its taste beautifully complements other ingredients.


Gruyère Entremont cheese – aged 4 months, from France | super-stek.pl

Gruyère Entremont IGP

zł25.00 / 200g
Availability: 967 In Stock

Gruyère Entremont cheese is an excellent, semi-hard cheese aged for a minimum of 4 months, distinguished by its subtle yet rich flavor with nutty notes. Produced in France by the esteemed brand Entremont, this cheese features a creamy, smooth texture and a slightly spicy finish that becomes more pronounced with aging. Gruyère is a versatile cheese – perfect for eating cold, as well as in casseroles, sauces, or fondue. Thanks to the long aging process, its flavor deepens, making it a favorite among both cheese enthusiasts and gourmet chefs.

As cheese connoisseurs say: “Gruyère is the king of melting cheeses – perfect for exquisite dishes!”


Ermitage Royal Camembert cheese – creamy and full of flavor | super-stek.pl

Ermitage Royal Camembert cheese

zł21.00 / 250g
Availability: 984 In Stock

Camembert Ermitage Royal cheese is an exceptionally creamy, soft cheese with a rich, buttery flavor, produced in France from the highest quality cow's milk. It features a soft, velvety rind covered in white mold, which adds a delicate, earthy aroma. Camembert Ermitage Royal is a gourmet cheese that pairs wonderfully with fruits, bread, and nuts, and its creamy texture makes it perfect for serving on a cheese board or as a warm snack. This Camembert is ideal for baking, which makes it even more melty and intense in flavor.
As French gourmets say: “Camembert is not just cheese – it’s a work of art!”


Emmi Swiss Fondue cheese – perfect for classic fondue | super-stek.pl

Swiss Fondue cheese Emmi

zł43.00 / 400g
Availability: 994 In Stock

Emmi Swiss Fondue Cheese is an excellent blend of traditional Swiss cheeses, designed for making classic, creamy fondue. Produced by the renowned company Emmi, this ready-to-use cheese set contains carefully selected cheeses with a distinct flavor, such as Gruyère and Emmental, which melt perfectly to create a smooth, velvety mixture. Fondue Emmi is the perfect choice for parties and family gatherings – simply heat the cheese in a fondue pot, add a glass of white wine, and then dip pieces of bread, vegetables, or fruits. This Swiss classic will transport you straight to alpine mountain huts, where fondue is an integral part of winter evenings.

As fondue enthusiasts say: “When the cheese stretches, the conversation flows!”


Greek cheese Feta HOTOS PDO – original taste of Greece | super-stek.pl

Greek cheese Feta HOTOS PDO

zł19.00 / 200g
Availability: 982 In Stock

Greek Feta cheese HOTOS PDO is the original, authentic feta with a protected designation of origin PDO (Protected Designation of Origin), which guarantees the highest quality and traditional production methods in Greece. Produced exclusively from a blend of pasteurized sheep's and goat's milk, this cheese features a creamy texture, a delicate but slightly salty taste, and a subtle hint of acidity, giving it a unique character. Feta HOTOS PDO is the ideal choice for salads, casseroles, sandwiches, and many other dishes – served with olives, fresh tomatoes, and herbs, it fully embodies the taste of Greek cuisine. It is not only the basis of many traditional recipes but also an excellent addition to modern dishes.
As lovers of Greek cuisine say: "Feta is a taste that transports you straight to the Greek coast."

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Sliced Raclette cheese – perfect for raclette grill | super-stek.pl

Ermitage Raclette cheese in slices

zł19.00 / 200g
Availability: 975 In Stock
Raclette Ermitage cheese in slices is a **French classic** that will bring the authentic taste of the Alps to your kitchen! In convenient slices, this exquisite cheese melts perfectly, creating a **creamy texture** ideal for a **raclette grill**. Raclette Ermitage is slightly spicy, with a distinct, nutty aftertaste that pairs perfectly with **baked potatoes**, crunchy bread, or pickled cucumbers. Thanks to its slices, the cheese melts quickly, making it suitable not only for a classic raclette grill but also for casseroles and burgers. It's a flavor that warms and unites at the shared table – “Those who have Raclette have the way to the perfect gathering!”

Gorgonzola Dolce cheese – creamy Italian blue cheese | super-stek.pl

Gorgonzola Dolce Italian blue cheese

zł9.90 / 100g
Availability: 991 In Stock

Gorgonzola Dolce cheese is a classic Italian cheese with a creamy texture and mild flavor, featuring subtle notes of mold. Made from pasteurized cow's milk, it is an excellent choice for lovers of gourmet blue cheeses. Perfect as an addition to salads, sauces, or cheese boards, it pairs wonderfully with grapes, nuts, and honey. Try it on toast or as an ingredient in creamy risotto – its delicacy will add a luxurious character to your dishes.

“As the Italians say: Life is too short to eat boring cheeses – Gorgonzola Dolce is a delight in every bite!”




WEIGHT: 100g

Gorgonzola Piccante – intense Italian blue cheese | super-stek.pl

Gorgonzola Piccante Italian blue cheese

zł10.90 / 100g
Availability: 988 In Stock
**Gorgonzola Piccante cheese** is an intense **Italian cheese** that delights with its pronounced flavor and spicy notes. Produced from high-quality **cow's milk**, it features a firmer texture and a more assertive mold structure compared to the mild Dolce version. Perfect for cheese boards, spreads, pizza, or as a bold addition to salads. Try it with nuts and figs to discover its full flavor potential. **Blue cheese** Gorgonzola Piccante is the choice for those who appreciate intense culinary experiences. “Gorgonzola Piccante – where mildness ends, passion for flavor begins!”
Bleu d’Auvergne creamy blue cheese straight from France | super-stek.pl

Bleu d’Auvergne French blue cheese

zł10.90 / 125g
Availability: 987 In Stock
French blue cheese Bleu d’Auvergne is a real treat for lovers of exquisite cheeses. Its creamy texture and intense flavor with a hint of mold make it a perfect match for wines with a distinct bouquet, such as red Bordeaux. It works wonderfully as an addition to a cheese board, as well as an ingredient in sauces, soups, or even pizza. Try it with fresh figs, nuts, and honey – this combination is true poetry of taste. Bleu d’Auvergne is also an ideal choice for a snack for guests or as an addition to gourmet dishes. Prepare a creamy sauce with this cheese that will enhance the flavor of pasta or meat.
Cambozola – a delicate moldy cheese with a hint of creaminess | super-stek.pl

CAMBOZOLA creamy moldy cheese

zł15.50 / 150g
Availability: 975 In Stock
Cambozola is an exceptional blue cheese that combines the creaminess of brie and the sharpness of blue cheese. This harmony of flavors makes it an ideal choice for both classic cheese boards and culinary experiments. Spread it on fresh bread or use it as an addition to pasta, pizza, or risotto to enhance their taste. Try it paired with honey, walnuts, and red wine – this combination will surely surprise your palate. Cambozola is a delicate yet expressive cheese that will be loved by both connoisseurs and cheese amateurs. As the popular saying goes: "Good cheese is the key to a good mood" – try it and feel the magic! CHEESE MADE FROM COW'S MILK ORIGIN: GERMANY WEIGHT: 150g
Alambra Halloumi cheese, an elastic delicacy straight from Cyprus | super-stek.pl

Halloumi cheese for grilling

zł17.00 / 180g
Availability: 974 In Stock

Halloumi Alambra cheese is an iconic delicacy from Cyprus that delights with its soft, elastic texture and distinct flavor. Perfect for grilling, frying, or baking, as it does not melt under high temperatures. Its slightly salty taste pairs wonderfully with vegetables, fruits, or fresh herbs. Try it warm as an addition to salads, burgers, or as a snack on its own. Halloumi Alambra is a choice that will bring Mediterranean sunshine to your table.

As the Cypriot proverb says: "A bite of Halloumi, and the soul rejoices" – try it and fall in love with this unique flavor!

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WEIGHT: 180g

Danish Blue Cheese Danablu – the best blue cheese from Denmark | super-stek.pl

Danish Blue Cheese Danablu Danish blue cheese

zł8.90 / 100g
Availability: 996 In Stock

Danish Blue Cheese Danablu is a true feast for lovers of bold flavors! This classic blue cheese, distinguished by its creamy texture and intense aroma, is perfect as a component of a cheese board, an addition to salads, or a base for sauces. Thanks to its velvety structure, Danish Blue Cheese Danablu melts wonderfully in warm dishes, adding depth of flavor. Try it as a creamy addition to Angus beef burgers or in a classic cheese dressing. The unique taste of this cheese will also enhance the quality of steak meat, giving dishes finesse and elegance. "Without cheese, life is a mere mistake" – was Nietzsche not right? 😊

Dor Blu cheese – unique moldy flavor for connoisseurs | super-stek.pl

Dor Blu German mold cheese

zł10.00 / 100g
Availability: 997 In Stock
Dor Blue cheese is a true feast for the palate! This creamy and flavorful blue cheese delights with its delicate, slightly spicy note, perfectly pairing with nuts, grapes, and fresh bread. Its creamy texture makes it an excellent ingredient for cheese sauces, pasta dishes, or casseroles. Dor Blue cheese also enhances the flavor of meats, such as beef tenderloin, creating unforgettable dishes. Add it to a burger with wagyu beef or serve it in a classic salad with arugula and walnuts.

Fourme d'Ambert – exquisite French blue cheese | super-stek.pl

Fourme d'Ambert French blue cheese

zł13.90 / 150g
Availability: 986 In Stock

**Fourme d’Ambert cheese** is a true gem among French blue cheeses! This delicate, creamy cheese with distinctive blue veins delights with a subtle balance between spiciness and mild aroma. Produced from cow's milk in the Auvergne region, it is an excellent choice for both cheese boards and more sophisticated dishes. Add it to **steak meat** for a gourmet combination, or use it as an ingredient in a creamy pasta sauce. In salads, it pairs perfectly with nuts and honey, and its melting texture makes it indispensable in burgers. As the French say: “Life without cheese is like a day without sunshine!” ☀️

Leffond cheese – creamy and distinctive French delicacy | super-stek.pl

French soft cheese LEFFOND

zł11.00 / 125g
Availability: 979 In Stock
Leffond cheese is a refined French cheese that delights with its mild, creamy texture and delicate, buttery flavor with a nutty hint. Made from whole cow's milk, it matures in exceptional conditions, giving it a characteristic aroma and smooth structure. Perfect for spreading on fresh bread, as an ingredient on a cheese board, or as an addition to salads and warm dishes. Leffond cheese pairs wonderfully with dry wines and is an ideal complement to steak meats, enhancing their deep flavor. As the French say: "Good cheese is poetry, and each slice is its stanza" – try it and see for yourself!
L’Ortolan with truffles – premium French cheese | super-stek.pl

French cheese L’ORTOLAN with truffles

zł23.00 / 135g
Availability: 986 In Stock
French L’Ortolan cheese with truffles is a unique delicacy that combines the delicacy of creamy cheese with the refined flavor of truffles. Its silky texture and rich aroma make it perfect for serving on a cheese board, as well as an addition to exquisite dishes. It pairs wonderfully with red wine or a glass of prosecco, enhancing their flavor. Try serving it on crispy toast, with a touch of honey or fig chutney, to delight your guests. This cheese is a true feast for the senses, perfect for both everyday enjoyment and special occasions. “Life is too short for average cheeses – choose the luxury of flavor!”
Roucoulons cheese – a creamy French classic with a delicate taste | super-stek.pl

French soft cheese Roucoulons

zł13.00 / 125g
Availability: 988 In Stock
**Roucoulons cheese** is an exceptionally creamy French cheese with a delicate, slightly nutty flavor and a velvety rind. Thanks to its soft consistency, it spreads perfectly on bread, and its subtle aroma makes it ideal for serving on a cheese board or as an elegant addition to salads. Serve it with a glass of light white wine or champagne to enhance its unique character. You can also bake it in the oven, creating a delicious, gooey snack. Roucoulons cheese is a taste that will enchant your palate! "Every cheese has its story, and Roucoulons tells of French elegance." **CHEESE MADE FROM COW'S MILK** **ORIGIN: FRANCE** **WEIGHT: 125g**
Roucoulons Noix – creamy cheese with walnut | super-stek.pl

Soft Roucoulons cheese with walnut

zł15.00 / 125g
Availability: 977 In Stock

Roucoulons Noix cheese with natural walnut flavor is an excellent choice for fans of delicate cheeses with a creamy texture and nutty aroma. This French delicacy delights with a subtle harmony of flavors, where the creaminess of the cheese perfectly complements the refined notes of walnut. It is great on a cheese board, in salads, or as an accompaniment to fresh bread. It is worth serving it with a glass of red wine, which will highlight its exceptional character. Choose Roucoulons Noix for any occasion – from a daily meal to a festive dinner.

“Nutty notes have never tasted so refined!”



WEIGHT: 125g

Mild White Cheddar – Delicate Cheese Slices | super-stek.pl

Mild White Cheddar – Delicate Cheese Slices

zł7.90 / 100g
Availability: 987 In Stock

Cheddar Mild White Irish Farmers in slices is a unique cheese originating from the green pastures of Ireland. Mild in flavor and creamy in texture, it is the perfect addition to sandwiches, burgers, and grilled toasts. Made from the milk of cows grazed on natural Irish meadows, it is characterized by high quality and authentic taste. Thanks to its sliced form, it is convenient to use and melts perfectly, giving dishes a velvety texture. Bring a touch of Irish charm to your kitchen – as the Irish proverb says: “Every day is better with a little cheese!”



WEIGHT: 100g

Manouri PDO Traditional Cheese from Greece with Unique Flavor | super-stek.pl

Manouri PDO – Greek Natural Cheese

zł19.90 / 200g
Availability: 976 In Stock
Manouri PDO is a traditional Greek cheese with a unique, creamy flavor and delicate texture. Made from a combination of sheep's and goat's milk, it stands out with its subtle sweetness and light creaminess. Ideal for salads, desserts, as well as a standalone snack. Excellent when warm – try it grilled or sautéed with honey and nuts. The PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) certification guarantees the authenticity and highest quality of this exceptional product. As the Greeks say: “Manouri is the essence of our flavors and traditions!”

Striploin Wagyu A5 – certified beef from Japan | super-stek.pl

Striploin WAGYU A5 - certificate - JAPAN (rib...

zł850.00 / kg
Availability: 994 In Stock

Striploin Wagyu A5 with authenticity certification is a unique piece of beef that comes straight from Japan, the cradle of the best meat in the world. It features extraordinary fat marbling, which guarantees unparalleled juiciness and tenderness in every bite. Ideal for a luxurious dish on special occasions. Try preparing it on the grill or in a pan, using a simple marinade of soy sauce, garlic, and honey to enhance its exceptional flavor. The best steaks in Poland can only compete with this marvel in dreams! This is a piece that brings fine dining to your table.

"You can't buy happiness, but you can buy Wagyu, and that's almost the same!"

NOTE! One piece weighs about 1.20 kg

Before purchasing, we can send photos of the specific piece - please contact us at 783 400 600 or by email at sklep@super-stek.pl

Origin: Japan

Cattle breed: Kuroge Washu (Black Wagyu)

Breeding method: The cattle are fed special diets, including a mix of grains, rice, and high-quality feed.

Aging method: Dry aged for a minimum of 30 days

Marbling: BMS - 12

Thickness / Weight: Whole piece about 1.20 kg

Wagyu A5 Rib Eye – Highest Quality Ribeye Steak | super-stek.pl
  • New


zł900.00 / kg
Availability: 997 In Stock

Wagyu A5 Rib Eye Steak is a culinary icon, symbolizing the highest quality meat. It originates from Japan, where Wagyu breeding has been perfected. The A5 grade, the highest on the quality scale, guarantees excellent marbling, unmatched by any other type of meat.

Delicate and juicy, the Wagyu A5 steak melts in your mouth, offering a rich, buttery flavor with subtle umami notes. Thanks to its exceptional fat structure, this steak is perfect for quick frying on a hot pan or grilling, highlighting its natural flavor qualities. Just a pinch of sea salt and freshly ground pepper is enough to create culinary harmony.

Prepare this exclusive piece of meat for a special occasion, and it will become the main attraction of the table. As Julia Child said: “With the right steak, life gets better.” And Wagyu A5 is not just a steak, it's art on a plate.

NOTE! One steak weighs 250g

Origin: Japan

Cattle breed: Kuroge Washu (Black Wagyu)

Breeding method: The cattle are fed special diets, including a mix of grain, rice, and high-quality feed.

Aging method: Dry-aged for at least 30 days

Marbling: BMS - 12

Thickness / Weight: 2cm / 250g

Stek Rib Eye z Urugwaju - Angus Grass Fed - Sklep super-stek.pl
  • New


zł170.00 / kg
Availability: 985 In Stock

Pochodzący z Urugwaju, od bydła rasy Angus, znany jest ze swojej miękkości i soczystości. Karmione trawą zwierzęta zapewniają wyśmienity smak, który kojarzony jest najczęściej z Argentyną, ale Urugwaj oferuje produkt o jeszcze wyższej jakości.

Sezonowany na sucho min 30 dni


UWAGA! Jeden stek waży ok 300g Dodając produkt do koszyka, wskazujesz ilość sztuk.


"The Black" Ribeye Steak z Urugwaju - Niezrównany Smak i Soczystość
  • New

copy of ANGUS RIBEYE PREMIUM STEK 2x300 g...

zł175.00 / kg
Availability: 1000 In Stock

Odkryj wyrafinowany smak Urugwaju z naszym stekiem Striploin od producenta "The Black". Perfekcyjne marmurkowy dzięki 120 dniom karmienia ziarnem, co gwarantuje niezrównaną soczystość i delikatność.

Sezonowany na sucho min 30 dni


UWAGA! W zestawie są 2 steki po 300g Dodając produkt do koszyka, kupujesz 2 steki.


What are special offers in our store?

Our special offers are carefully selected meat products that we offer at exceptional, reduced prices. Here you will find promotions on various types of meat, from tender veal to exquisite beef. This is the perfect opportunity to enjoy the highest quality meat at an affordable price.

Why is it worth taking advantage of our meat promotions?

Taking advantage of our meat promotions is an excellent way to discover new flavors and save money. We offer only the best products available in limited-time offers – that’s why it’s worth staying updated and regularly visiting this page to not miss any opportunities.

What will you find in our special offers?

In our limited-time offers, you will find a wide selection of meats that are perfect for everyday use as well as special occasions. We offer both classic and more sophisticated products that will surely enrich your culinary adventures.

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  • How often are special offers updated?
    We regularly update special offers, usually once a week. It’s worth keeping an eye on our news to stay updated with the latest promotions.

  • Are limited offers available online?
    Yes, all our limited offers are available online. You can order your favorite meat for home delivery or pick it up in person at our store.

  • Can I use multiple promotions at the same time?
    For some offers, there is a possibility of combining promotions. Check the promotion conditions for each product to learn more.

Special offers in our store are a unique opportunity to enjoy the highest quality meat at attractive prices. With our promotions, you can diversify your kitchen without straining your wallet. We regularly update our price deals, so it’s worth following our offers and not missing any limited-time offers. We invite you to shop and discover new flavors!

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